Antelope Point Marina

Antelope Point Marina Information

We want to share Lake Powell with you and your family. Come join us on the lake for houseboating, wakeboarding, fishing, boat tours, a great meal and spectacular shopping at our one of a kind Marina Village. We know you'll find our staff to be friendly, courteous and ready to serve when you arrive. Lake Powell is located in Arizona and Utah. Antelope Point Marina is in the state of Arizona located adjacent to the town on Page. The property is unique in that above the lake level of 'full pool', the property encompasses over 600 acres of land on the Navajo Nation. Our boat rental fleet is the finest on the lake with some boats even having elevators! Each year you look forward to spending a summer vacation on Lake Powell. Enjoying time in one of the many scenic side canyons. Houseboating has become the favored way to get away into these remote canyons where you can enjoy time experiencing the lake.

Antelope Point Marina

Travel information
  • Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time

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